Pre-purchase Exam. تقييم ما قبل الشراء

Pre-purchase Exam. تقييم ما قبل الشراء Pre-purchase Exam. تقييم ما قبل الشراء Standards of examination, duration and required components (i.e. radiographs, etc.) vary wildly from veterinarian to veterinarian and within discipline. Similarly, the emphasis of certain points of the examination is subject to great shifts based upon intended use, current level of training, age and intent for resale that all influence how the exam is reviewed. The pre-purchase has a place in deciding on whether to purchase an animal, but it must be put into perspective. The unique requirements of buying any animal may be more overwhelmingly important in the decision making factor. The most advanced piece of equipment that you bring to the pre-purchase is your open mind (and the abilities of the veterinarian you are employing) . In short, the ability to gather and interpret information. No amount of advanced equipme...